Sunday, December 28, 2008

Will It Blend? That is the question....

Apparently I'm not the only person who loves to watch the Blendtec"Will it Blend?" videos on YouTube. The company reports that the video series has had over 100 million views so far, making it one of the more successful viral marketing campaigns. 

Now you can see the top 20 "Will It Blend?" episodes in all their high quality color glory, thanks to a new app of that name. Treat yourself and friends to the thrill of Tom Dickson (right) feeding an iPhone 3G into a Blendtec blender in higher quality than you've ever seen it before.

Other favorites -- iPod, glow sticks, and Chuck Norris, to name a few -- are included as well. What's great is that you don't need a 3G or Wi-Fi connection to download these wonderful videos, as they're built into the app. A